You can now buy how you want to buy. We offer a fully customized online option or you can speak to one of our energy advisors through chat, over the phone or with an in-home consultation. We help you compare costs, review recommendations based on your individual needs and even offer financing options.
Solar technology is the cheapest way for people to power their lives. You will only pay for the power you consume from the grid, while using solar power generated by your panels to lower your energy costs even further.
Power travelling from the grid to your home incurs significant transmission and distribution losses. These losses are almost nil in solar panel systems as energy is generated and consumed at the same location.
Once installed solar panels have very low maintenance costs. The only maintenance cost that is certain is the inverter, which is typically replaced after the system has been operating for 15 years.
Bundle your solar system with a battery backup to protect your home during emergency situations. Your battery allows you to store energy for when you need it most – at night or during a power outage.
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